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120 Morris St Downtown Durham



SmART and Public Art

As a part of the Durham SmART Initiative, Olalekan Jeyifous created a colorful and joyous interpretation of the architectural and iconic elements of the downtown corridor on the Corcoran Street parking garage. Durham in Continuum is the first public art installation of the Durham SmART Initiative to receive national recognition as part of the Americans for the Arts’ Public Art Network (PAN) Year in Review in 2019.  

Durham is one of the North Carolina Arts Council’s eight SmART Communities, demonstrating how the arts transform downtowns and build sustainable economic development.

The SmART Vision Plan reimagines the rapidly-transforming Blackwell, Corcoran, and Foster Street north/south corridor as a vibrant arts and entertainment district that reflects the city’s unique character. 

The plan concepts, when implemented, will connect arts and cultural asset “hub” areas in downtown Durham through creative placemaking with public art, wayfinding, pedestrian amenities, program overlays, and exciting lighting and urban landscape design.

The Durham Arts Council, Downtown Durham, Inc., and the City of Durham work in partnership with the North Carolina Arts Council to advance this initiative with funding support from additional partners including the National Endowment for the Arts, Durham County, Duke University, and other corporate partners.

Pictured: Durham in Continuum, 2018 by Olalekan Jeyifous  
Site:  Corcoran Street Parking Garage, 110 E Corcoran Street

Public Art

City of Durham’s Cultural + Public Art Program

The City of Durham’s Cultural and Public Art Program believes that Durham’s rich cultural heritage is an important part of what makes Durham’s neighborhoods thrive, attracts tourism and business development, and what brings the community closer together. The Program works to invest and create public art experiences – both downtown and in neighborhoods – that illuminate residents’ history, sparks reflection and dialogue, and enhances daily life.  

Pictured: Woven Shield, 2019 by Norman Lee and Shane Albritton of RE:site Industrial painted stainless steel. 14’ x 7’ x 7’
Site: Durham Police Headquarters

Colorful sculpture in front of Durham Police Headquarters