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120 Morris St Downtown Durham


Heather Bryce is a teaching artist, choreographer, co-founder of Teaching Artists Connect, and the artistic director of Bryce Dance Company. Bryce has expertise in working with people of all ages including populations often under-represented in the arts such as older adults, students who have disabilities, and people living with dementia. Bryce has over 20 years of experience as a teaching artist and educator. ​She currently works as a teaching artist for organizations including Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, and Durham Arts Council. She holds her M.F.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts from Goddard College.

Teacher Workshop Bring Dance into Your Classroom!

PARTICIPANTS: Pre-K – 12th grade Educators

How can we use dance in the classroom to support self-regulation, social development, and enhance student learning? In this workshop, educators will explore ways to incorporate movement into the curriculum in order to expand learning opportunities for all types of learners. This workshop can be tailored to meet the needs of teachers working with special populations.

A planning meeting with school administrators is required in advance in order to meet teacher needs and expectations.

Max Participants: 50 teachers/administrative staff

Duration: 2 hours

Special Requirements: Classroom, utility room, or gym – enough room for participants to stand or sit in a circle. Electrical outlet, Smart board/white board, chart paper and markers

Fee: $250.00 per hour

Residency Arts Integration Dance Residency

GRADES: Pre-K – 12, adults

Arts Integration Residencies use dance as a vehicle to explore classroom curriculum and learning objectives such as story structure, vocabulary, and historical content while teaching dance skills and enhancing student outcomes. This residency is a  partnership between teachers and the teaching artist to support all learners in broadening their understanding through kinesthetic learning connected to the NC Essential Standards.

This residency can be adapted to meet individual student needs and IEP goals, including students who have gross motor challenges or require assistive devices for mobility or speech. A planning meeting with participating teachers is required in advance to set learning standards and goals.

Max Participants: 35 

Duration: 45-60 minutes per class.
5-10 class sessions (in collaboration with classroom teacher) up to 5 classes per day.

Special Requirements: 2 planning meetings (one before residency and one mid-way through residency) with participating teachers and teaching artist. Classroom, utility room, or gym is best for residency sessions – enough room for students to stand or sit in a circle. Electrical outlet, Smart board/white board, chart paper and markers

Fee: $150.00 per residency session per class

Residency Contemporary Dance Residency

GRADES: 3-12, adults

Students will gain confidence in their unique movement repertoire, learn and refine technique in contemporary dance. This residency focuses on providing opportunities for whole body movement, developing vocabulary around dance, and expanding movement repertoire, while instilling a sense of joy and providing opportunities for personal expression. Students are guided through exercises emphasizing contraction and release, weight shifts and finding expanded points of balance. This class can be modified for any age group or level of experience. 

A planning meeting with participating teachers or school administrators is required in advance of the residency.

Max Participants: 35

Duration: 45-60 minutes, 6-12 class sessions, up to 5 classes per day.

Special Requirements: Classroom, utility room, dance studio, gym, or somewhere with enough room for students to stand or sit in a circle and move freely is best. Access to electrical outlet, Smart board/white board, chart paper and markers is needed.

Fee: $150 per class per residency session

Residency Creative Movement for Seniors


Participants explore movement and personal stories in this movement class tailored for seniors. The class will conclude with a culminating performance by the participants. The goals of creative movement workshops include creating community and opening dialogue; increasing body awareness; increasing mobility and range of motion; increasing movement repertoires through safe and supported movement activities; increasing group cohesion, and exploring personal narratives. The overall goal of this class is to create community, and explore the universal and specific themes of memory, story, emotions, and expression.

Max Participants: 30 

Duration: 45-60 minutes per residency session. 5-16 class sessions and culminating sharing, 1 planning meeting with administrative staff as applicable

Special Requirements: Enough room for participants to sit in a circle in chairs, access to an electrical outlet, one sturdy chair for each participant, chart paper and markers

Fee: $150 per class