| Creating a Vibrant Community Through the Arts |
We've got your summer staycation plans on lock!
Get a jumpstart on planning your most artistic summer yet. Summer Class registration opens Friday, May 5th at 10am! Click here to view the 2023 Summer Catalog.
Summer Arts Camp registration is live NOW and there are still spots open in our Spring classes, so don't miss out on kickstarting your creativity today! |
We've got over 30 classes and workshops lined up in ceramics, painting/drawing, mixed media, theatre, music, and literary arts - and that's just for the adults! Our Summer Arts Camps lineup for kiddos and teens is sure to round out the fun for the whole family.
Summer Arts Camp registration is live NOW and there are still spots open in our Spring classes, so don't miss out on kickstarting your creativity today! |
Check out our Summer Teen Intensives! |
Creative classes for creative teens! Sign up for our Summer Arts Teen Intensives. These week-long intensives are designed for middle/high school teens (Ages 13 – 17) that have some experience with art and want to learn more about a specific media in depth. Each intensive runs for 3.5 hours per day, and you can bundle a morning and afternoon intensive for a full day experience. Scholarships are available, based on financial need. Email us at jbell@durhamarts.org for a scholarship application. Learn more about our Summer Arts Teen Intensives by visiting our website. |
Looking for Summer Teen Volunteers! |
The Durham Arts Council is preparing for Summer Arts Camp, and we are looking for Teen Volunteers (14-17 years old) to volunteer with us.
Here is the link for more information and here is the link to the volunteer application. |
DPS Instructor Show Highlights |
As the DPS Instructor Show wraps up on May 5th, we look back on last 3rd Friday (April 21st) and at the fabulous opening where 350 people came and celebrated DPS art teachers and performers. Thank you to everyone who came and supported this show! |
Now Playing in PSI Theatre |
Big Red Dance Festival Spring Concert May 5th to 6th, 2023 @ 7:30PM May 7th, 2023 @ 5:00PM
For the first time since 2019, Big Red Dance Project is thrilled to be returning to the Durham Arts Council stage with seven dancers from the original company and six wonderful new dancers. The company will present a new work with paintings by Durhams own stellar visual artist Nancy Tuttle May with commissioned original music by Andy Hasenpflug and Shamou. A second new work will feature music by the Quakerettes: a trio Gerri sang with in high school in 1961.
Tickets: $10 buy online here in advance or student/senior; $15 at the door This performance is made possible in part by funds from the Durham Arts Council. |
Now Showing at the Durham Art Guild |
April 7 to June 4
Extra-spectral colors cannot be evoked with a single wavelength of light, but rather by a combination of wavelengths. From the technical challenge of re-creating color to the ultra-personal choice of which hues to include to the fact that, as Josef Albers noted, we can never even see color as it physically is, making it the “most relative medium in art,” the relationship of the Artist to color is as complex as possible.
This exhibit highlights several NC-based Artists that, on the surface, use colors that are “extra” (which is where their commonality ends) to evoke their intent through a combination of this color with forms and imagery as well as the concepts embedded in color’s many identities. Artists Jane Cheek, Jerstin Crosby, Zach Storm, Tonya Solley Thornton and Leif Zikade all require color to play a primary role in their work and their relationship to an audience.
Please note the following update to the DAC Mask Policy: As of November 1, 2022 - Masks are Welcome in the DAC Building but not required. We encourage you to wear a mask if you will be in close proximity (less than 6 feet) to other visitors, students, or employees. Clay Students: Students and instructors in the DAC Clay Studio are strongly encouraged to wear a mask due to clay materials and clay dust. |
Have you checked out the... Arts & Cultural Directory for Durham and the Triangle Region: Artists, Creatives & Cultural Workers? Check it out here! |
Our Contact Information *{{Organization Name}}* *{{Organization Address}}* *{{Organization Phone}}* *{{Organization Website}}*
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| About the Durham Arts Council
The Durham Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and local arts agency dedicated to supporting the arts in Durham and the entire Triangle Region in North Carolina and has served the community since 1954. Each year DAC serves over 400,000 visitors and program participants, over 2,000 artists, and more than 300 arts and cultural organizations through classes, artist residencies, exhibits, festivals, grants programs, technical support, creative economy initiatives, arts advocacy, and information services.
Durham Arts Council, Inc. is a catalyst in the cultural development of Durham - it leads, inspires, and promotes excellence in and access to the creation, experience, and active support of the arts for all the people of our community. For more information call 919.560.ARTS(2787) or visit our website at www.durhamarts.org. |