October 2022 Third Friday at the DAC
Friday, October 21, 2022
6-8pm at the Durham Arts Council
Photography is the word of the day for Third Friday Durham at the DAC this October! On Friday, October 21, 6-8pm, join us for the opening receptions of two new photography exhibits, held in in conjunction with Click! Photography Festival.
Cindy Waszak Geary received a 2020 Emerging Artists grant from the Durham Arts Council, which supported the creation of work in Landscapes of Ancestral Migration, now on view in DAC’s Allenton Gallery. Cindy traveled to and photographed the landscapes of her ancestors in the Netherlands, Germany, and England, on one side of the Atlantic, and on the other, to Virginia, Iowa, New York, and North Carolina. With this work, she creates time-shifting experiences –printing landscape images on fabric to give them the emotional resonances of memory, sometimes merging vintage ancestor portraits in multiple physical layers. Image fragments and unfinished edges suggest the piecemeal and dreamlike quality of memory.
Will Harlan Campbell‘s exhibit Silver Harvest: A History of Now (appearing in DAC’s Semans Gallery), was made possible through a Click! grant (funded by the NEA and South Arts). Harlan used the legacy processes of Wet and Dry plate photography to create a “portrait of Durham.” The projects includes tintype portraits of Durham residents in our vibrant city center as well as archaeologically minded landscapes of peripheral and liminal spaces in Durham’s less-explored outskirts using the gelatin dry plate process. The dichotomous subject matter seeks to visually connect the dots between Durham’s past, present, and future, grounded by the present moment.
In addition to these openings, the Durham Art Guild will unveil their 68th Annual Juried Exhibition in the first floor Truist Gallery.
And don’t miss the music of David Lewis, who will be performing in the DAC sculpture garden during the reception.
See you at the DAC for October Third Friday!
Masks are required to enter the Durham Arts Council building. This event is free and open to the public.