Facility Grant
Durham Arts Council Facility Grants provide short term use of the DAC building to support arts activities.
Grant Eligibility
- Non-profits incorporated as a 501(c)3 organization and based in Durham, or individual artists living in Durham are eligible to apply.
- Applicants must be over the age of 18.
- Facility Grants will not be given to fundraising events.
- Facility Grants do not provide support for on-going operations, year-round activities, and annual events. For year round requests, apply to the Season Grant Program.
- Facility grants cannot be used to request gallery space for exhibits in the building. To apply for an exhibit, you must participate in the annual Call for Artists.
- The Facility Grant is the only avenue for granting out the PSI Theater.
Frequently Asked Questions
What criteria are applications judged on?
- Quality of art or arts experience
- Project Implementation
- Impact of Grant on the Community
- Note: Facility Grants are dependent on scheduling restrictions and event compatibility

What can I apply for?
Durham Arts Council manages a 52,000 sq. ft. public, community arts center that contains spaces for dance, theatre and music rehearsals, meetings, workshops and performances. A Facility Grant may be used to request use of the facility with a maximum total non-profit rental value of $1,200 per fiscal year (July 1-June 30). (Use Fee Chart in application to calculate value for space requested. All grants will be calculated at the non-profit rate.) Applicants will only be granted one facility grant per fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
Facility Grants are for rent only and do not include technical, maintenance or security fees incurred by the recipient. All Facility Grants require a User Fee paid by the recipient. If you are granted a Facility Grant you will be required to sign an occupant’s contract. NOTE: You cannot apply for space using a Facility Grant if you have already applied for the same event and/or space through the DAC Season Grant Program).
How do I schedule my event?
Please contact facility staff before or during your application process to check availability of the building and to calculate any additional facility costs. Availability of facility space is not guaranteed until an event contract has been signed with the facilities department.
Contact: dacfacilities@durhamarts.org or (919)560-2787