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120 Morris St Downtown Durham


Facility Grant Program 

What is the deadline for application?


  • April 15 for activities taking place between the following July 1 and June 30
  • October 15 for activities taking place between the following January 1 and June 30

Who may apply?

DAC Facility Grants are available to help support arts activities. Non-profit organizations, individual artists and groups of artists may apply to this program. Applicants must be over the age of 18.

What projects are eligible?

  • Facility Grants support short-term projects in all art forms.
  • For on-going operations, year-round activities and annual events apply through the Season Grant Program.
  • Facility Grants will not be given to fundraising events.
  • Facility grants cannot be used to request gallery space for exhibits in the building. You must apply for an exhibit by using the annual “Call for Artists.” Contact Susan Tierney (919–560–2719) for further information.

What are the criteria by which DAC evaluates applications?

Criteria for evaluating applications are:

  • Quality of art or arts experience
  • Project Implementation
  • Impact of Grant on the Community
  • Note: Facility Grants are dependent on scheduling restrictions and event compatibility