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120 Morris St Downtown Durham





All camps take place at the Durham Arts Council building located in downtown Durham at 120 Morris St. unless otherwise noted in the description.


All art materials are supplied for campers by DAC. We accept materials donations and have a Wish List.


Campers must bring their own morning snack and lunch that does not need to be refrigerated or microwaved. Please pack extra snacks if you camper has food allergies/sensitivities.


Your camper will be moving from class to class throughout the building and should wear closed-toed shoes for safety reasons.  Campers will be required to remove shoes to enter dance studios. No flip flops, please.

Inclement Weather

In case of inclement weather, DAC classes and camps will be cancelled if the DAC building is closed. Students should call 919-560-2787 for building closures. If the DAC building is open or on a delayed opening or early closure during inclement weather classes may be cancelled on a case by case basis and students will be contacted by email by their instructor or DAC staff.

Liability/Indemnity Waiver

I understand that Durham Arts Council programs have inherent risks, and understanding and acknowledging those risks, I hereby assume all risks and hazards incident to my participation/my child’s participation in all Durham Arts Council programming and programming provided by third party vendors. I agree to waive any liability arising out of any actual, alleged, or threatened infectious, pathogenic, toxic, or other harmful properties of any “organic pathogen”, which includes but may not be limited to bacteria, viruses or other pathogens whether or not a microorganism, regardless of whether such “organic pathogen” is the result of a local outbreak, epidemic, pandemic or unknown cause. I further waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the Durham Arts Council and its employees, board, contractors, volunteers, and vendors, and The City of Durham, as well as all persons or parents transporting participants to and from activities, from any legal claims, liabilities, damages and costs for any physical injury, illness or damage to my personal property sustained during my use/my child’s use of Durham Arts Council property and/or my participation/my child’s participation in any Durham Arts Council activities. In the event of an emergency, I give my permission to Durham Arts Council, Inc. to call for Emergency Medical Services (911) and/or to select a physician to secure proper treatment for me or my child.

Photo/Publicity Waiver

Durham Arts Council, Inc. occasionally takes photographs of classes for use in DAC publicity. Therefore, I grant Durham Arts Council, Inc. permission to photograph and/ or record me or my child’s likeness and voice using video, audio, photographic, digital, electronic or any other medium (collectively referred to as ‘the recordings’) as part of my participation in classes or camps. I acknowledge that all rights, title and interest to the recordings will belong to Durham Arts Council, Inc. Durham Arts Council, Inc. may also use, reproduce, exhibit or distribute in any medium (e.g. print publications, video tapes, CD-ROM, online, podcasts, transcripts) these recordings for any purpose that Durham Arts Council, Inc., and those acting pursuant to its authority, deem appropriate, including promotional or advertising efforts. Participants can opt out of photos.

CAMP Cancellation, Withdrawal, and Refund Policy

Parents who need to withdraw their child/children from any Summer Arts or School Break Camp for any reason should contact the DAC Education Office in writing at at least 2 weeks before the session begins

You will receive a refund, less a $30 service charge per two-week camp per session per participant and a $15 service charge per one-week camp session per participant. The are the only circumstances in which DAC gives camp refunds. DAC will transfer your child/children to a later session only if space is available.

Parents who need to withdraw their child/children from any Summer Arts or School Break Camp for any reason less than two weeks prior to the start date should contact the DAC Education in writing as well. You will not receive a refund. DAC will transfer your child to a later session only if space is available.

COVID Policies

If a participant has symptoms or is awaiting the results of a COVID test they should not attend classes or camp. 

Participant tests positive for COVID: The participant must isolate for a minimum of 5 days, be fever free for 24 hours, have improving symptoms (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and a negative home test to return. Any close contacts will be notified and are encouraged to test on day 5.

Participant with symptoms:

Positive Test: See above

Negative Test: The participant can return if they are fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and have improving symptoms.

Exposure: No quarantine/isolation is required unless symptoms occur but are required to wear a mask covering nose and mouth for 10 days. 

If a participant in a class or camp tests positive for COVID-19 we ask that it is reported to the DAC School Director ( immediately.

DAC strongly encourages EVERYONE eligible to get a Covid vaccination and wear a mask when in close proximity to others.

COVID protocol is subject to change based on current guidelines.