Durham Culture & Arts –
Invest to Restart Cash Grants
As awarded to arts & cultural nonprofit organizations
and small businesses
Congratulations on your Cash Grant!
Here’s important information that you’ll need to know…
What documentation will I receive?
A w-9 tax document (which will need to be completed and signed)
Your program contract (which will need to be completed and signed)
A sample Quarterly Report (click link to view & download)
These will be sent to you via SignRequest.
When is my Quarterly Report Due?
April 30th, 2025 (for February and March)
July 31st, 2025 (for April, May, and June)
A final report may be submitted by October 31st, 2025 (for July, August, and September)
What do I need to submit with my Quarterly Report?
What’s a Final Impact Statement?
Here’s the excerpt from the contract:
Final Impact Report A final report will be required detailing the use of funds and describing the impact of the expenditures on the organization/business’s capacity and progress of recovery post-pandemic. The Final Impact Report will include the following:
Descriptive narrative of grant award’s impact on organization’s recovery, including on immediate needs and the development of organizational capacity
Financial Report – with all expenditures listed, described, and documented.
These should be around 300 – 500 words, that’s a typical single-spaced typed page or less. In your statement, you should let us know how the course you’ve taken has impacted you and will help improve, rebuild, or better support yourself, your community, and/or your organization. Once complete, please submit your statement in the ‘message’ feature of your original application, as a response to an existing message. Once we’ve received & reviewed your statement, we’ll confirm receipt, and if all requirements are met, a check request will be issued. Checks will be mailed to the mailing address in your application.
How will awards be paid?
Awards will be paid with 50% as an initial grant payment, then as quarterly reports are received for expenses paid (with proper receipts submitted), another 30% will be paid, then the final 20% will be released when the reporting for the prior quarter(s), supporting receipts, and a final 300–500-word Impact Statement are received. (Please note – you will still be required to submit reporting and receipts for the final 20% of your award.)
How can I speed up the payments?
If your financial situation allows, and it is possible to fully execute your proposal, you may submit all receipts for review at once or as soon as possible, complete your Impact Statement, and then receive all remaining payments for your cash grant.
You do not have to wait for the Quarterly Reporting deadlines. You may submit a Quarterly Report well before the deadline to accelerate your next payout.
Feel free to reach out with any further questions in general or for your particular situation. (See contact information below.)