Digital Media Digital Media JamesElizabeth Carroll (Durham, NC) Adair Carroll Booth: B05 Katie Duttman (Durham, NC) BeltonARTS Booth: C51 Yvonne Kovacic (Raleigh, NC) The White Sparrow NC Booth: B23 Claire Vendetti (Richmond, VA) Billie Claire Handmade LLC Booth: B03 L Jámal Walton (Durham, NC) Booth: B10 JamesElizabeth Carroll (Durham, NC) Adair Carroll Booth: B05 Katie Duttman (Durham, NC) BeltonARTS Booth: C51 Yvonne Kovacic (Raleigh, NC) The White Sparrow NC Booth: B23 Claire Vendetti (Richmond, VA) Billie Claire Handmade LLC Booth: B03 L Jámal Walton (Durham, NC) Booth: B10