Black and White in Technicolor!
(Can you see all the colors?)
José Manuel Cruz
July 15 – September 8, 2022
Third Friday Receptions Jul 15 & Aug 19, 6-8pm
On view in the Semans Gallery
As simple as we may think that seeing anything in BLACK and WHITE can be and seem very clear, once you add COLOR into the mix, things become more TECHNICAL.
This is why I ask you, the viewer, Can You See All The COLORS?
The COLORS of all the different people that we are. There are still many who only think in BLACK and WHITE.
According to an article on, BLACK and WHITE thinking is a thought pattern that makes people think in absolutes. For instance, you may think you are either always right or the world’s biggest failure. Psychologists consider this thought pattern to be a cognitive distortion because it keeps you from seeing life the way it really is: complex, uncertain, and constantly changing.
BLACK and WHITE thinking doesn’t allow you to find the middle ground, which can be hard to sustain in life at those extremes. Becoming less rigid in our thinking lets us stop using “all or nothing” statements to depress ourselves without examining whether or not they’re true.
Using this ‘cognitive’ technique helps you to spot what you are doing and challenge your false impressions.